It's been a minute since I posted something up here.....haven't had time to put up a full fledged review, so I decided to hit y'all with a video....Raekwon the Chef of The Wu Tang Clan is dropping a new album this Tuesday March 8th, so I wanted to give it some promotion because they are part of the reason this blog even exists....they definitley helped enhance my love and knowledge of martial arts cinema.....
Anyway....here is the video of the title track, "Shaolin vs. Wu Tang"......dope martial arts theme and animation going on in the video......I actually heard the album too and am interested in seeing who handled the bulk of the production because I love the way they sampled music from some martial arts movies.....
Here is another one of my favorite joints off the album......peep the ill sample...too lazy to do the research but I think it's from Ip Man....definitley from a martial arts flick though....
Drop me a comment here or on Twitter ( @KungFuTheater ) and tell me what you thought...go and cop Rae's album on Tuesday......support that real shit!!!
Peace & Blessings for now,
The Sage